Tuesday, March 6, 2007

ENG 090 March 5 and 6

Peer reviews of the descriptive paragraphs have been postponed to next class. We watched the first part of the movie 12 Angry Men as an introduction to critical thinking and, hopefully, a starting point for the first essay.

Next class, we'll finish watching the movie, discuss it, and conduct peer reviews of the paragraphs.

I've made some changes to the syllabus because we're behind schedule. I'm cancelling the group essay, which should put us back on track. In order to keep the total points for the class at 1000, I've distributed the 75 points for that essay as follows:

Comparison-contrast paragraph -- 50 + 10 = 60
Descriptive paragraph -- 50 + 15 = 65
Five-paragraph essay -- 125 + 25 = 150
Process essay -- 150 + 25 = 175

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